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MILC supports a config file out of the box. The format and structure of this file is exposed through cli.config and tied to command line arguments. If your program uses subcommands you can add a config subcommand with a single import.


MILC uses ConfigParser to store configuration values. We've mapped the section names to subcommands, and values passed as CLI arguments will be automatically populated to keys named after the argument.

Configuration options for the main cli.entrypoint() are set in cli.config.general. If you do not have any subcommands you will find all of your config options here.

Reading Config Values

You can read config values using either attribute or dictionary notation. If a key does not exist in the configuration you will get None as the value.





Setting Config Values

You can create new values by simply assigning to them. This only with dictionary notation.

cli.config['general']['verbose'] = True

Writing Configuration Files

Use cli.save_config() to save the user's configuration file. It will be written to the location specified by cli.config_file.

Configuration File Location

MILC uses platformdirs to determine the configuration file location. You can set your application's name and author by using milc.set_metadata:

from milc import set_metadata

set_metadata('Florzelbop', '1.0.0', 'Jane Doe')

This will (usually) result in the following config file locations:

  • Linux: ~/.local/share/Florzelbop
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Florzelbop
  • Windows: C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\Application Data\Local Settings\Florzelbop Jane Doe\hello

Where Did A Value Come From?

Sometimes you need to know how a configuration value was set. You can use cli.config_source to find out.

>>> cli.config_source.general.verbose

The possible values returned are:

  • 'argument'
  • The value was passed as an argument
  • 'config_file'
  • The value was read from the config file
  • 'default'
  • This is the default value

Automatic Type Inference

Under the hood all configuration options are stored as plain text. MILC converts your config values into appropriate data types when it can figure out how.

  • Booleans
    • yes, true, and on evaluate to True.
    • no, false, and off evaluate to False.
  • None
    • Values set to None are considered deleted, and will be removed from the config file
  • Integers
    • Numbers without a decimal are converted to int()
  • Decimal Numbers
    • Numbers with a decimal are converted to decimal.Decimal()